Policy for non-native speakers

Clarity about the policy regarding non-native speakers for employees, patients, their relatives and referrers.


Transfore offers care to people with (threatening) transgressive behaviour, including both compulsory and voluntary care. Language barriers are a challenge, because Dutch is our main language. Understanding and understanding are crucial in our treatment. We want to encourage patients to learn Dutch and look for a common language for effective care.

Understanding each other

We strive for mutual understanding. Language proficiency is beneficial for treatment and integration. We encourage patients to learn Dutch and try to find a common language.


If there are language problems and we cannot find a common language for quality care, we know of other ways to make the treatment possible.

1. Translation app SayHi
Dimence Groep uses SayHi as a live translation app during treatments. SayHi meets  our quality  and privacy requirements  and is available for IOS and Android

2. The use of an interpreter
In specific situations, the directing practitioner can use an interpreter. Read here when and how.

3. Commitment of colleagues
Colleagues with knowledge of the non-Dutch language in question can interpret on a voluntary basis.

4. Commitment of family
Family can be used as an interpreter with the patient's consent, taking into account interests and emotions.

At Transfore we offer forensic care, even if you do not speak the Dutch language well. Our treatment options depend on the language skills of our care providers and fellow patients. We consider whether language is important for treatment, for example in psychotherapy. If language is a problem for first-choice treatment, we look for alternatives. We understand that language can be challenging, but we look for solutions for each individual.

Written communication and availability of information:

At Transfore we communicate in writing in Dutch with patients and third parties. Our policy is accessible on www.transfore.nl in several languages, including Dutch, English, French, Turkish, German and Arabic.